Mullarney Golf Instruction is based in Galway and in 2003 Tom became the first Authorised Instructor of The Golfing Machine in Ireland. The Golfing Machine, written by Homer Kelley, is one of the most precise writings on the Mechanics of the Golf Swing. Since 1969 when Homer Kelly first introduced the book to the world of golf TGM has become the premier advanced learning system for professional golf instructors worldwide.
To qualify as an Authorised Instructor Tom had to complete the Golf Stroke Engineering
Doctorate (G.S.E.D.) exam and spend significant time in the USA working with
an Authorised Instructor on the practical side of demonstrating and
teaching the G.O.L.F. swing.
Tom was authorised by Ben Doyle (ranked by Golf Digest in the Top 50
Teaching Pros in the US). Ben was the first authorised
instructor of The Golfing Machine and was one of the main
promoters of the book up until his death in 2014. He coached a number of PGA tour professionals including Bernard Langer, Paul Azinger and Steve Elkington to name but a few.
Over the last twenty years Tom has worked with golfers of all levels from Beginner to Professionals and his philosophy is based on the approach that Knowledge is Power.
Tom is dedicated to helping you:
Improve your knowledge of the Golf Swing.
Understand and translate this information into an efficient motion.
Demonstrate how to repeat these motions and their variations.
Knowledge and Understanding will help you build and Demonstrate a better golf game.
The Golfing Machine - Homer Kelley
TGM is based on science, simple geometry and physics and every daily activity including golf is governed by these same laws. An understanding of the science behind the golf swing enhances golf instructors observational skills and allow them to better analyse, diagnose and improve each student’s unique golf stroke. The use of physics and geometry, the preciseness of the terminology, and the identification of the visual and sensory illusions that hinder students learning, all go to making this book unmatched in the world of golf education and instruction.
Ranked in the Top 50 of Americas best teachers
The Golfing Machine website with links to Authorised Instructors World wide
All the latest information on the GC Quad Launch Monitor